Point of View
April 17, 2024

Drive Newsletter Conversions with Salesforce Marketing Cloud & Technology

Boost newsletter conversions with Salesforce Marketing Cloud! Tailor content, track ROI, and engage subscribers with personalized, data-driven strategies.

Where delivering generic newsletters once sufficed, today’s competitive market calls for a more structured approach. While sending out broad newsletter blasts to your entire subscriber base may capture some engagement, this one-size-fits-all strategy isn’t the best approach for a high return on investment (ROI).

In fact, personalizing your newsletters using Salesforce Marketing Cloud and technology for individual customer segments is the best way to engage the unique interests of your target audience segments and ensure positive ROI. If the end goal of your business newsletters is to drive new revenue, then a tailored approach is your best bet as it allows you to nurture qualified leads and encourage return business from existing clients.

Salesforce Newsletter Best Practices

By utilizing the Salesforce Marketing Cloud and adjacent technology, you can generate highly impactful newsletters that go beyond traditional marketing tactics. While catchy subject lines, aesthetic designs, and perfectly placed call-to-action statements are still important, your targeted audience segments need a customized approach to achieve true engagement that leads to meaningful conversions and long-term success.

Taking the traditional marketing approach to newsletters leads to plateaus or even dips in conversions. This is because a generic approach doesn’t appeal to the unique beliefs, needs, and motivations of individual customer segments.

By leveraging the machine-learning capabilities of Salesforce technology, you can effectively implement the three cornerstones of dynamic newsletter creation and implementation— personalization and segmentation, continuous evolution, and ROI tracking.

Customer Data Platform for Personalization & Segmentation

Want your newsletters to be viewed more than just spam by new and existing leads? Utilizing Salesforce’s customer data platform (CDP) will help you categorize your subscriber base, empowering you to deliver personalized newsletters that speak to their needs and beliefs.

Among business-to-business (B2B) brands, it has been discovered that 80% are more likely to react to bespoke experiences. Interestingly, it has also been reported that more than 70% of customers expect to receive personalized content from companies, and 76% become frustrated when they receive generic marketing content. This underscores the necessity for a tailored approach to email and newsletter marketing

How-To: Salesforce Newsletter Personalization & Segmentation

  1. Customer Analysis & Segmentation: Analyze your subscribers and existing customers and group them together based on their personas, purchasing behaviors, needs, etc. 
  2. Utilize the Salesforce Customer Data Platform: Implement the Salesforce CDP to help you combine customer and subscriber data from multiple sources into one convenient database, and use this technology to assist in creating target audience segments.
  3. Create and Send: Focus on designing content that is tailored to each of your target audience segments. Use the Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Email Studio, Content Builder, and AMPScript to help you manage your interactions and create email campaigns geared toward each customer segment.

Use Case: The marketing team of a furnishing company utilizes Salesforce Marketing Cloud and their Customer Data Platform to effectively segment their existing subscribers and past customers. Each segment is divided based on persona, needs, wants, motivations, and consumption habits. For example, this could include sporting them by industry, by workforce size, or even by order value to identify high spenders. The marketing team then analyzes the segments and creates individualized newsletter marketing content geared toward each segment. Since the marketing team leaned on Salesforce for these steps, their processes are automated, scalable, and efficient.

Salesforce AMPscript and Email Studio for Continuous Evolution

Anything and everything can influence consumer behavior. From economic trends and societal shifts to technological breakthroughs and even global events, it can be difficult to anticipate every variable.

Although consumer behaviors will continue changing, as long as you have automated segments and technology to render personalized and relevant content to customers, you can keep up with user preferences and more. Salesforce empowers you to complete these tasks in minutes!

How-To: Salesforce Newsletter Continuous Evolution

  1. Understand Consumer Lifecycle Stages: For each segment, visualize the consumer lifestyles they go through from initially grabbing their attention and interest, igniting their desire to make a purchase, and finally recapturing their attention to encourage repeat business. 
  2. Provide Continuous Updates to Segments: Based on consumer beliefs and behaviors, remember to update your segment logic in the CDP every six months. This will help you make future informed decisions on continuous newsletter marketing content for each group. Use Journey Builder to add drip personalized email over multiple days or weeks. Keep the send time optimization to automatically send emails at the time of highest response.
  3. Utilize AMPscript and Email Studio: Salesforce’s AMPscript and Email Studio use the power of automation and AI to help you generate impactful content tailored for each of your subscriber segments. New, personalized content should be sent out every 1-3 months based on consumer life cycles.

Use Case: After creating their initial consumer segments, the furnishing company’s marketing team conducts further research to determine what each group's consumer lifecycle looks like. Using this data, they then update their segments every six months to stay on top of changes and emerging trends as they are relevant to their target audiences. Anticipating the changing needs and preferences on the individual segments, the marketing team leverages the capabilities of Salesforce AMPscript and Email Studio to generate made-to-measure content every 1-3 months.

Integrate Salesforce Technology for ROI Tracking

With a limited budget, it is essential for resources to be utilized toward initiatives that are both data-driven and impactful. Companies who successfully implement the three cornerstones of newsletter best practices can expect to see a return of at least 2-5 times their newsletter program’s investment.

How-To Salesforce Newsletter ROI Tracking

  1. Integrate Technology: Integrate the functions of your Salesforce Consumer Data Platform, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Marketing Cloud Platform, Marketing Cloud Account Engagement, Order Management, Commerce and Customer Relation Management (CRM) to effectively track customer progression from initial email to conversion.
  2. Live Dashboard Tracking: Closely track revenue that comes from leads generated from your emailed newsletters. Monitor which newsletter segments may be more successful than others and which segments may need more attention and adjusting. Keep track of subscriber growth and even spam complaint rates, and utilize this information to make informed adjustments to your newsletter program strategy. 
  1. Acknowledge Macro and Micro Success Indicators: The obvious indicators of newsletter success would be leads or existing customers making purchases more frequently or at increased prices. However, micro indicators of success could also be subscriber growth, email opens, clicks, etc. Although micro indicators need to be nurtured to turn into conversions, they should still be acknowledged as progress! 

Notably, with Salesforce Marketing Cloud, you gain tag management, URL tracking, and seamless integration with web analytics tools for precise conversion rates and email impact recognition. Furthermore, the reporting and dashboard features of Salesforce offers both pre-made and customizable reports that can be automated and distributed across all levels through a centrally managed user access hierarchy and permissions system.

Use Case: The furnishing company’s marketing team knows that segmenting their subscribers and customers into groups and delivering routine, personalized content isn’t enough for sustainable success. They calculate the total cost to run their newsletter program and take into account all expenses, including customer analysis, infrastructure licensing, setup, integration, etc. in addition to ongoing segment management, content creation, attribute updates, newsletter design, delivery, and even monitoring and reporting. Then, they take a close look at their personalized newsletter efforts to ensure their initiatives see a positive ROI. 

Our Salesforce Newsletter Experts

Our Accelerize 360 team of Salesforce experts are dedicated to helping you maximize the full benefits of Salesforce. From setup and implementation to continuous monitoring, we can help you optimize your Salesforce experience. Contact us today to speak to a Salesforce professional!