Solution Architecture
December 20, 2022

Speed Up Sales With HVS

Salesforce HVS can speed up sales. But before you rush to get started, get all the details.

Are You Ready to Go Places with this Salesforce Tool?

There is no denying it: sports cars are cool; they can go from zero to 60 mph in the blink of an eye and their design makes many of them resemble jungle cats. When a snazzy convertible zooms down the street, it is enough to stop most people in their tracks, or least get them to turn their head. It is easy to envy breakneck speed and performance, which is why we see these cars as the epitome of lux.

Salesforce HVS (High Velocity Sales) is a lot like a sports car. This product boasts remarkable capabilities, giving sales teams speed and agility. Businesses using HVS can create automated sales cadences to convert prospects into customers.

But just like a sports car, HVS isn’t right for everyone. Maybe your business needs a basic “vehicle” without all the bells and whistles. Reviewing Salesforce HVS’s driver’s manual will help you decide:

The Cool Stuff

Don’t confuse HVS with telephony tools. A sales cadence is about so much more than making phone calls. Converting prospects into customers — with less effort from salespeople —  is the goal of sales cadences. See the illustration below:

To understand how this works, imagine that a financial services company, Bourgeois Inc., designs a cadence for promising prospects. A new lead added to this cadence receives an introductory email. Next, the system “waits”, affording the lead two days to respond.

If the prospect in question opens the email and fills out a form, an agent will follow up with a scripted call designed to convert. On the other hand, if the prospect ignores the introductory message, the agent will follow up with a second email. Happily, the Bourgeois Inc. sales cadence includes convenient email templates for added speed. This type of built-in contingency is referred to as branching logic.

Marketing and sales managers can accomplish all this – and more – with High Velocity Sales. Users don’t need to be Salesforce experts to get in the driver’s seat. With ‘creator’ licenses, assembling and modifying sales cadences is a lot less stressful than car repairs.

Sales leaders can chart their own way to the finish line, creating elaborate branching logic paths. As in the aforementioned example, email opens can serve as the pivotal decision factors. When using phone calls, agents can be steered in the right direction with scripts.

A Few Bumps in the Road

So, by now you’re probably eager to race ahead with HVS. Before you do so, make sure you’re aware of all the speed traps:

  • Outbound calls only

Salesforce HVS can only use outbound calls to propel a sales cadence forward. Businesses that want to route sales cadences based on inbound calls should consider a totally different ride.

  • Dialer quandary

When making outbound calls, sales agents can’t auto-dial unless they have access to Salesforce’s Lightning Dialer. Instead, the agents must press a button specific to HVS.

  • Specific account types

High Velocity Sales can capture prospects as either leads, contacts or person accounts. This puts companies interested in using custom objects at a crossroads.

  • Select communication channels

Some sales teams get a lot done with emails and phone calls. Meanwhile, others may want to experiment with communications channels such as SMS, Facebook chat, WhatsApp messages or website chatbots. Keep in mind that HVS doesn’t support these other methods.

Drive Off Into the Sunset

For companies striving to meet ambitious sales goals, Salesforce HVS can be an excellent buy. Cadences shift the sales process into high gear by automating manual tasks. Also, combining High Velocity Sales with the Inbox feature clears the way for handy email alerts.

Yet that doesn’t mean you should rush to grab those keys. If you’re still wondering how to avoid any speed bumps, give us a call! We’re happy to ride shotgun.