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InterbrokersCustomer Delight

International Insurance Broker Levels Up Business

This sophisticated L&A insurance broker made big changes by switching to Salesforce. Full case study.

Meet Interbrokers

Interbrokers is a sophisticated L&A insurance broker that works with carriers all over the world. The company’s offerings include international health insurance policies, expatriate policies, general liability, special risk and life & health.

This family-owned agency prioritizes personal relationships with clients. “We take a family and assess the risk for health and life and other insurance needs in order to protect their standard of living,” says Diego Rosales, VP of Human Resources and Compliance. As an MGA, Interbrokers also serves a sales force of more than 600 agents.

Interbrokers first partnered with Accelerize 360 when transitioning to Salesforce. “We’ve entered into a new mode of doing business in the last 5 years. We wanted to become more automated and have more effective data.” Since, Interbrokers has not only updated their business, but created a roadmap for further digital transformation.

The Challenge

Transitioning to Salesforce can be daunting, especially for a business with a huge repository of existing data. The Interbrokers team started with a few well-defined goals:

  • Automated data capture
  • Team activity visibility
  • Single source of truth system
  • Renewals reporting

Then & Now

Activity Capture for data & record-keeping

Before Salesforce, the Interbrokers team kept records by copying and pasting client messages into an archive. Now, thanks to Lightning Sync and Gmail Sync, all customer emails are saved automatically, sans manual effort or errors. The team loves how Activity Capture logs all client communications in mere seconds instead of several minutes. The time savings compound enormously. Accurate, organized data equates to powerful business insights. Also, since Interbrokers works with many carriers around the world, advanced record-keeping helps by easing the compliance burden.

Post-Salesforce, Interbrokers records more policy details than ever before and agents benefit from accessing all policy info on a single screen. “Our clients want answers right away. So we have to serve that need,” says Diego. Gone are the days when agents spent time looking through the provider’s portal.

Security & MFA validation

As a call brokerage, Interbrokers wanted Salesforce to serve as a single source of truth, where the team could always get needed information. “We wanted full visibility into what our account executives and users of Salesforce were doing.” Now, executives enjoy total visibility.

Along with this desire for transparency came a need for top-of-the-line security. Before, Interbrokers didn’t have a multi-factor authentication system. Today, agents without the appropriate clearance can’t access policies and records, while all users must confirm their identity when logging on.

Renewals reporting

Interbrokers’ goal was to handle all renewal requests through Salesforce, carefully keeping track of upcoming dates. Moving forward, agents can stay organized with ease, preventing clients from falling through the cracks.

Hear directly from Diego Rosales what it was like collaborating with Accelerize 360 to make these changes:

Looking Ahead

Interbrokers is going full steam ahead with Salesforce. Next on the list is adopting Dinero, a tool that automates calculations for payments and commissions.

Diego’s confidence is bolstered by his understanding: “If anybody in my team asks me any question whatsoever about Salesforce, usually I’ll have the answer. Accelerize did a really good job training me.”

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The experience with Accelerize 360 had been amazing, from start to finish. We felt very guided, we felt very secure, we felt understood in our business needs.

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