Solution Architecture
February 8, 2023

Delight Customers During the Insurance Claims Process with Salesforce

Automating the claims process bolsters customer experience.

Unlike other types of businesses, in the insurance world, customers rarely interact with the company insuring them. Filing a claim is an exception. For this reason, having the claims process go as smoothly as possible is paramount. Roadblocks in the claims process leave customers dissatisfied and increase costs for their insurer, which, down the road, will affect customers even more. It is a snowball effect. 

A clunky claims process erodes customers’ trust in their insurer. Salesforce is essentially a digital hub of information, one with which users can view and interact with customer information while garnering valuable insight into their behavior. 

Insurance companies can use Salesforce to aggregate customer data from various sources. Much of the aforementioned strife can be avoided by using Salesforce to automate many processes. A streamlined claims process bolsters customer experience, which empowers insurers to handle claims with maximum efficiency and transparency.    

Work Smarter, Not Harder

A claim relies on a mountain of data, most of which traditionally needs to be sorted manually. Agents gather information. They research the claim. Then, they review policy terms. They manage expense payments. And finally update customer information — all while ensuring that the customer is well-informed throughout the process.

Once configured to an insurance company’s specifications, it can organize all open claims tickets in one easy-to-view interface and sort those tickets by type. 

This eliminates any lag when processing claims because each department knows exactly who needs to handle the claim at any point in its lifecycle. Automation tools like image analytics, machine learning and AI enable faster settlements, lower cost per claim and an uptick in resolved claims per employee. All of which benefits the customer and the business.

A 360-degree view of claims data empowers agents to better understand customers’ needs. With a better understanding of the problem, agents are more capable of tailoring the process to the customer’s needs. 

Typically, a person filing a claim needs to speak with an agent, and the agent then escalates the problem to the right person. With tools like a customer portal, customers can solve their problems without involving an agent. 

Fillable forms, chatbots or even FAQ sections, empower customers to take more of an active role in their experience, managing their claim when and where it is convenient to them. This also cuts down on agents’ time by ensuring the information entered into the customer portal gets to the right person in a timely manner.    

Focus on What Matters

Automating this journey by digitizing the process flattens it, allowing it to run more efficiently. Still, even with a self-service portal complete with chatbots, some customers will prefer a more direct mode of communication. 

With cross-channel support, Salesforce can give customers SMS or WhatsApp updates on their claim status. Further, without being inundated with mountains of paperwork, agents have greater availability to tend to customers who want a more personal touch.

Use of AI allows companies to process larger amounts of claims faster, providing rapid insight into which claims are eligible for payout and what percent. Such sophisticated sorting also makes ferreting out false claims easier for agents.

Nearly every touchpoint throughout the claims process can be digitized to increase speed and efficiency. Whether it is eliminating paperwork or AI suggestions for the next best steps for a claim, Salesforce is a boon.