Solution Architecture
October 27, 2023

A Loan Officer’s Guide to Streamlining Communication with Clients

Loan officers require a certain finesse in communicating with buyers.

In the finance sector, it can be challenging for loan officers to know when to reach out to buyers and how they should communicate. Whether you are sending a text or email or jumping on a call, there are some general rules of thumb to follow regarding how you reach out. 

When should you call your buyers instead of sending information through an email? When is a good time to text? What if your buyers request to always be called? Our loan officer guide to streamlining communication with clients has the answers to these questions and more!

SMS Vs. Email

First and foremost, you should always follow your mortgage company’s policies regarding texting, emailing, and calling. Some companies leave it up to the loan officer’s discretion, while others have specific checkpoints when they require texts, emails, and calls. 

When Should I Text or Email?

For loan officers who work at companies with an open approach to communicating with buyers, it can be tough to figure out the best way to reach out at any given point. In general, you should send an email anytime your message is more than 2-3 sentences long and if you need to attach an important document. If you need your buyers to see your email promptly, you can always send them a follow-up text directing them to their email.

Quick updates about the loan’s progression or single questions are great for text messages because the buyer is likely to see them faster. Usually, they can also send a quick text back, where an email response may take them some time. Communication tools like Homer are a great way to navigate the SMS-email dilemma. This is because Homer was specifically designed to help loan officers create an efficient and effective homebuyer communication strategy. 

Whether you are texting or emailing, it is crucial that you manage your tone and how you are coming off. It is easy to sound harsh and short through written modes of communication, and that can tarnish a positive relationship with your homebuyers. 

Tips to Convey Tone in Text Messages & Email

  • Feel free to use exclamation points and smiley faces.
  • Swap negative phrases for more positive ones.
  • Use light humor when it is appropriate.
  • Celebrate milestones and don’t linger on setbacks longer than needed.
  • Try to always end on a high note. 

Yes, exclamation marks and smiley faces are acceptable, even in the mortgage industry! Of course, like anything else, read your buyer’s personality before you proceed and try to match your approach to communication to their expectations. 

When a Phone Call Is Needed

If you can’t meet your buyer in person for the first time, you should at least hop on a call with them to introduce yourself and discuss the first steps. During this initial call, you can ask your buyers if they are okay with being texted and emailed rather than called. After that, you can take communication case-by-case to determine if you text, email, or call them again. 

There will probably be a few times throughout each transaction that a call will be required. Of course, there will always be buyers here and there that require more phone interactions than others. Whatever you do, you should always follow your company’s policy (if there is one) and the homebuyer’s preference.