A360 Products
November 16, 2023

Client Communication Software for Multichannel Communication

The secrets of successful multichannel client communication and how the right software can streamline your outreach

Client Communication Software for Multichannel Communication

In today’s digital landscape, it is important for all origination professionals, including loan officers, to use multichannel communication to connect with potential and existing clients. Adopting the right client communication software can help you streamline this process and leverage multichannel communication to grow your reach.

Importance of Multichannel Communication With Clients

When we think about communication with a client or multiple clients, many of us often only take the most convenient or necessary approach. However, relying solely on what type of communication can significantly limit your reach and also stunt your efforts to form a healthy rapport with your existing clients. 

Diversifying your communication methods enables you to establish meaningful connections with existing clients while also drawing in potential clients you might not have reached otherwise. Stay at the forefront of the competition by achieving these objectives using multichannel communication! 

Learn More: Discover our best loan officer tips for Communicating with Clients During the Homebuying Journey

Meeting Client Communication Preferences

If you haven’t worked it into your “to-do” list for first client calls, it is always a good idea to ask clients what their preferred mode of communication is. What is even more important is that you honor their stated preference as much as possible.
While some clients prefer to be called, a growing number of people are leaning more on text messages and emails for important communication. Respecting each individual client’s preference is an easy way to build trust and confidence between you and your client.

With all of that being said, there will definitely be moments where you may have to branch out from your client’s preferred mode of communication. For example, let’s say a client prefers to be texted, but you believe a phone conversation is needed for all of the information you are about to relay.
In cases like this, you can send a preliminary text asking when it would be best to call. This would show that you are respecting their wishes as much as possible. Or, you can also take time to send an email with all of the information and then follow up with a text letting them know that an email is waiting for them to read.

Attracting New Home Buyers

Social media is a form of communication that many loan officers avoid. While you shouldn’t chat with clients through Facebook about important loan information, social media platforms are a great way to relay your expertise to new potential clients.
As explained by Forbes, the well-known marketing “Rule of 7” states that the average client needs to see or interact with your brand at least seven times before they decide to reach out for your services. For many origination professionals, it can be nerve-wracking to put themselves out there on social media. 

Nevertheless, overcoming this fear of advertising your expertise across social media is a wonderful strategy to help build your professional brand. Give it a try, and you’ll find that displaying your lending prowess and giving clients the call to action to reach out for more information will help you generate more leads! 

Stay Organized with Client Communication Software

Utilizing programs such as Salesforce can help you clearly see how your multichannel ways of communication are working in conjunction. Moreover, adopting client communication software like Homer will allow you to automate the way you communicate for a more efficient, organized, and error-free experience. 

Reach out at any time to find out how Homer can seamlessly further your efforts to connect with clients in conjunction with Salesforce!