Point of View
December 20, 2022

Salesforce Campaigns: A Cinderella Story

Learn about Salesforce campaigns, one of the most effective yet underused features in the B2B world.

Why this Overlooked Feature Should Enchant Your Insurance Agency

It’s a classic story: Cinderella is hardworking and generally awesome but overlooked because she lacks the flashiness of her older step-sisters.

Today we’re playing fairy-godmother to another overlooked hero: Salesforce campaigns. This feature is one of the most effective yet underused in the B2C world. By taking advantage of Salesforce campaigns, you can track leads and understand which marketing efforts are working.

If you’re responsible for the lead pipeline at an insurance agency, you know sharp tech tools help keep your competitive edge. Over the next three years, 95% of insurance executives expect an increase in advanced analytics, according to a report by Deloitte. You can’t put digital transformation on hold.

Some of those hardworking tech tools are already at your fingertips — you just haven’t noticed. For all the contributions to your pipeline-building endeavors, Salesforce campaigns deserve a moment in the limelight, at least until the clock strikes midnight.

5 Reasons to Fall in Love with Campaigns

1. Source Identification

Let’s say you have marketing across different channels. You’re paying for Google ads, radio ads and even billboards. Salesforce campaigns can tell you which ones give you an edge.

Tracking the source of new leads by matching identifiers like inbound phone numbers, UTM parameters and webforms with each campaign is a snap with the Salesforce campaign feature.

Not only can you figure the ROI of your ad spend, but you can make more calculated decisions in the future. Insights into which radio jingle mesmerizes drivers help you prepare next quarter’s budget.

2. Deduplication                                                                                                        

Imagine a new lead fills out a form after seeing a Facebook ad. A week later, a targeted email prompts this same person to submit another form. Of course, you want to track that the user filled out separate forms but keep them as a single lead in your system.

Enter Salesforce campaigns — this feature eliminates duplication while recording all interactions specific to each lead. Now you can begin to understand your prospect’s insurance needs based on effective messaging.

3. Attribution  

Thanks to your focused marketing efforts and stellar customer experience, new leads have become customers. Multiple digital and offline ads touched each delighted customer. Yet now you’re unsure whether the success is due to those upbeat billboards, targeted social media ads or webinars.

Attribution gives you a clear answer by distilling the ROI of each campaign. There are three kinds of attribution models:

  • First-touch gives credit to the first campaign the customer experienced
  • Even attribution divides results equally among all campaigns
  • Last-touch gives the win to the last campaign before conversion

The type of attribution you choose will be based on your business. Asking existing customers what won them over is a pro move.

4. Dial Lists  

Cold-calling is painful, (just ask your sales team) but necessary. These endless phone numbers also get confusing fast. If only there was a simple way to segment them into curated lists …

You’ve probably guessed Salesforce campaigns are coming to the rescue. This feature allows you to sort dial lists into specific campaigns then hand them off to your dialer. Additionally, you can assign specific rules to each campaign (e.g., don’t call a number more than five times). Now you don’t need to worry about mishaps when you have agreements with third parties; just set up those campaign calling rules in Salesforce, and go dance at the ball.

5. Marketing Cloud Bonus  

Lastly, if you’ve already got Marketing Cloud (currently known as MC Engagement), you can boost your Salesforce campaigns. Trigger real-time emails to engage promising new leads based on specific behaviors.

Just picture your sales reps adding prospects to campaigns tailored to their interests, then initiating a series of emails (this is called a journey) bringing them closer to buying your product. It’s much easier than turning a pumpkin into a carriage!

We’ve Got Your Glass Slipper

Salesforce can seem daunting. There’s myriad complex features and tools, and only one of you. That’s why our team exists: we’re Salesforce experts specializing in insurance.

If you want to better connect with choosy insurance customers, we’re happy to show you how to use Campaigns to the fullest!  We’ve helped more than 50 insurance agencies use Salesforce … kind of like a fairy godmother but with more than 300 implementations to our credit.

Get in touch today.